State of Sheffield 2020 Report

In March 2020, as we were preparing our State of Sheffield 2020 report, we were met with an unprecedented crisis which had profound implications for the ways in which all of our organisations were working day-to-day and for life across the city. Covid-19 has had an historic impact on Sheffield and the world at large: affecting everything from the individual to the global.

We decided to focus the State of Sheffield 2020 on exploring and understanding what those impacts have been across our own diverse and unique city. Since March, Sheffield’s communities, services and businesses have pulled together in unprecedented ways; supporting the city’s most vulnerable people and finding solutions to keep Sheffield running within the necessary restrictions that have been introduced to tackle Covid-19. We wanted to tell the story of how the city has risen to the challenge and what we need to learn for the next phase.

Click here to open the 2020 report

Visit the State of Sheffield 2020 dedicated website here