Our Commitment
Working together to build a Sheffield that works for everyone. To deliver this, we will focus on:
Working better together to drive change
Leading by example
Involving and including people in the city
Our actions:
Develop a city wide approach to joining up education, skills and work, from early years to in-work progression - starting with a focus on digital and new technologies, and health and social care
Agree city-wide commitments to drive-up employment standards, focusing in particular on supporting workers in insecure, low-paid or unstable employment
Work together as a city to address the unequal impact of our key environmental challenges, starting with a focus on clean air and clean lower cost energy
Establish a set of shared principles to guide how we spend, buy and invest as organisations - starting with a partnership framework for progressive procurement
Focus on people’s real experience of Sheffield’s economy by talking to more people about what an inclusive economy would look like for them, and by taking a new approach to the State of Sheffield 2019
Work across partnerships to respond to our key community safety challenges, focusing in particular on supporting vulnerable people on the street and tackling violent crime
Develop a set of ‘inclusive Sheffield’ indicators to track our progress in achieving the outcomes we want to see for the people of Sheffield